Monday, November 1, 2010

Rose Red
Directed by: Craig R. Baxley            Produced by: Thomas H. Brodek & Robert F. Phillips
Written by: Stephen King
                Dr. Joyce Reardon is a psychology professor. She attempted to record data about Rose Red. She leads a team of psychics. Rose Red is publicity known to be haunted, as at least 23 people have either disappeared or died there and the interior of the house appears to change or increase in size. Her team looked for the mansion’s secrets.

            Though most people did not appreciate this movie due to lack of insight, I still found it interesting and mentally exercising. I do agree that some of the down time should have been used to go into depth on the characters but it also makes me use my mind to fill in the blanks which could make the movie even more fun and eccentric. Stephen King knows how to tap into people’s minds. This movie didn't scare me or make me jump at the time I was watching it. It was a few days later when I actually started to think about it and analyze it that it struck a chord. It makes you think about the possibilities and consequences. Well all in all I liked this and though I do think they could have done better, it was still mentally captivating.
Musical Scoring:
            This film is great, it had action and horror and the acting was superb. The music fits some of the scenes with no conversations. This is one way for the movie to be artistic. You can express what the emotion of the character by the help of music.
            Annie Wheaton has psychic powers which are Telekinetic and Telepathic. Telekinetic or distant-movement is the movement of matter in the micro or macro levels, lift, spin, bend or break. In the movie, Dr. Joyce Reardon believes that only Annie can rebuild Rose Red or the said to be a Living Cell because of her telekinetic power.